We regret to announce that Inglenook Farm will be closing for business in early February. This means that the Heritage Centre will have to relocate to a new site. Plans were already in hand to create a new Heritage Centre at Bridge Farm, Rainford Junction. However, it will not be possible to have the new site ready before Inglenook Farm closes.
We will provide information about the new Centre as it is becomes available. In the meantime we have left the information about the old Centre on the web site to give you a taste of what to expect when our new Centre is opened.

The Rainford Heritage Society Centre is hosted by our good friends at Inglenook Farm on the Rainford By-Pass (A570).
The Heritage Centre has on display various artefacts from the Rainford area kindly donated or loaned by Society supporters. A number of artefacts from the Society Metal Detecting group are also on display and offer an interesting peep into the past.
The Rainford Heritage Society Centre is open every day for all to visit free of charge and learn a little of the Rainford past from the standing displays. For special events and at the monthly Inglenook Farm Artisan and Farmer's Market we try to have Heritage Society members present throughout the day for a chat and further information.
For those of you who have not visited either Inglenook farm or the Heritage Centre, there is much to see.
The farm monthly Artisan and Farmer's Market brings a wide variety of arts and crafts, jewellery, clothing, pattisseries, butchers, a dance group who dance away regardless of the weather, wood carvers, horticulturists, artists and much more. Stalls are both outside and under cover, always lively and bustling and always friendly.

The Farm has a bistro / cafe / restaurant which serves high quality home prepared foods and is well worth a visit throughout the week and weekends.
Our Heritage Centre is situated in the Farm courtyard and is open each day of the week... you are always welcome to pop in, have a look around and leave comments in the visitors book.
Inglenook Farm is on the left hand side of the A570 heading north towards the M58, Ormskirk, Southport direction from St. Helens, approximately 200 yards after the Mossborough roundabout.... this is the first roundabout after you have crossed Windle Island from St. Helens.
If you are coming from the M58 / Ormskirk / Souhport direction then you will need to reach the 2nd roundabout after clearing the M58 exit, go all the way around to turn back on yourself and the Farm is approx 200 yards on your left.
Plenty of car parking spaces available.